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First Week Done.

Writer: Adreana BillurAdreana Billur

Hulla Everybody!!

Hope you all are doing well.

So I mentioned in the last blog that I am jet lagged but at that point, I didn't know how bad it was going to affect me.

Thing is I have travelled quite a lot but I never felt jet lag as I did in the past week.

The day I came back I made plans with my friends in order to keep myself awake throughout the day. My flight landed at 11:30 am and I was home by 1 pm.

Thing is I was supposed to freshen up and then go meet then but somewhere between scrolling through my Instagram feed and waiting for the bathroom to be free, I dozed off.

I didn't wake up till my friends called to ask why I was an hour late. That night I fell asleep at 11 pm and woke up at 6 am. Got myself a healthy amount of sleep and I was looking forward to the first day of my semester. That thought alone should've been enough clue that something is wrong. Unless it's your first semester ever you usually don't look forward to semester break ends.

Don't get me wrong I am not a complete sociopath, the whole excitement phase didn't actually last that long. However, it was long enough to raise suspicions in a otherwise normal time.

By the time it was 7 pm my eyelids felt as if they gained 50 pounds. I just couldn't keep them open! Trust me I tried to fight it because I was in a lecture and it was the first day and I wasn't ready to make a bad impression.

I tried the "open your eyes wider for a few seconds so that your eyelids get the memo" method, as well as the "slowly take out your water bottle from your bag, pour some water in the bottle cap and then sprinkle some water in your eyes without raising suspicions" technique amongst others.

Nothing worked.

I wish I could say that I didn't let sleep get the best of me but I would be lying then.

I was in and out of sleep for the next two hours and it just made things worse. I went straight to bed after I came home but ended waking up at 3 am.

That was the moment when I realized that I would just have to embrace the jet lag. So not giving any regard to the time of the night I woke up, I got myself to study, finish assignments and other materials.

Sounds like the problem was solved right? I mean I wasn't wasting time, I was sleeping and waking up early so what exactly was the problem?

I felt drowsiness thrust upon me every day like a clockwork at 6 pm and depending on how much I could control I fell asleep earlier that I should. That resulted in me to wake up from anytime between 2am-6am.

It was terrible especially the days I had morning or night classes.

I tried coffee to keep me up but for some reason, it made me feel anxious and stressed. Finally, on Saturday, I didn’t let myself sleep before 10 am. I was trying to get myself to be hyperactive so that I have too much energy to even fall asleep.

That being said, I had a Harry Potter marathon. So technically I can say that Harry Potter cured my jet lag.

Any of you have any severe jet lag stories? Do let me know.





Until Next Time! Byeeeee.


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